
October 4th, 2023 - Free - 100% Safe
(8 votes, average: 2.88 out of 5)
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Get your mouse wheel working for apps that don’t support the mouse wheel with the help of WizMouse, which will offer you additional capabilities to get the most out of your mouse.

Some apps, especially in the Windows ecosystem, are not developed with the mouse wheel in mind. That’s why they don’t support using the mouse wheel, which can be slightly annoying. The mouse wheel makes it easier for you to navigate the screen without mindless scrolling with your clicks.

But to repair that problem, there’s a simple solution. It’s called WizMouse. It is a simple utility application designed to help you use the mouse wheel, even for apps that don’t support it.

It allows you to scroll up and down an inactive window, which forces the Windows system to ignore the restrictions and allow you to use the mouse fully.

Use the Mouse Wheel Wherever You Want

The main capability of WizMouse is the ability to help you use your mouse wheel, even on inactive windows and apps. It can help when you’re working with an app that doesn’t have mouse wheel support or when the window becomes inactive. But some additional tools will help you get the most out of your mouse.

This feature is a part of the Apple ecosystem, and its users have been able to enjoy it for quite some time now.

You can turn the program on or off in just a few clicks, which can be done from the system tray. You can open the configuration screen if you want, too.

Additional Settings

There are also some neat additional settings that you can use with this application. You can scroll the window to the foreground that is not active.

You can also use the reverse scroll function and Windows Vista and Windows 7 support.


WizMouse is an excellent tool to help you use the mouse wheel with apps that don’t support it. It’s a simple tool that should not use too much of your PC’s resources.

Technical details

Latest version:
File name:
MD5 checksum:
File size:
550.3 KB
Supported OS
Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7

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