WBFS Manager

October 5th, 2023 - Free - 100% Safe
(192 votes, average: 3.83 out of 5)
  • Review

WBFS Manager lets you manage the Wii backups easily and quickly, providing a simple and intuitive interface that makes things easy.

This tool will be handy if you have Wii backups stored on your WBFS system. It is a great app, especially for beginners who don’t know how to use a command line or for people who want to save time and do this more easily and quickly.

Transfer Files to a WBFS Drive

The great thing about the WBFS system is that it helps you launch Wii games straight from an external disk while saving you a lot of space and effort.

It also enables you to save space on your disk, as it will reduce the sizes of your files to even below the 100MB mark. There is no native way to do this, so you’ll need a third-party app like this.

Another great thing about this tool is that you can bundle many files you want to deploy your ISO to your USB drive and do that. You can also format them to WBFS easily, add backups, and extract ISO files.

This tool makes it easy for users who don’t have the necessary knowledge to do all of those things via a command line.

Easy to Use

The WBFS Manager is also quite easy to use, even if you already have a lot of knowledge of command lines. It will simply save you a lot of time, thanks to the user-friendly interface that it sports.

The interface has few menus and buttons, making it easy to go through and not intimidating to beginners.


Wii Backup File System Manager is a great tool that helps you manage your WBFS files and access content from these drives. It enables you to save time and make the process quick and painless, even if you are a beginner.

Technical details

Latest version:
File name:
WBFS Manager v4.0 32-Bit.zip
MD5 checksum:
File size:
3.99 MB
Supported OS
Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7

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