
August 2nd, 2021 - Free - 100% Safe
(53 votes, average: 3.34 out of 5)
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If you want to get your iPhone back to its original status after the jailbreak, you can do it through TinyUmbrella. It is a hugely popular app that allows you to restore your iPhone to a previous version of firmware after the phone has been jailbroken, which can be done with the old SHSH blobs.

If you often like to tweak your phone, then you might be thinking about flashing your device. When we do this to iPhones, we talk about jailbreaking the device.

It gives you access to firmware updates of your phone, which allows you to revert to older updates if you like and have access to some other settings that you don’t otherwise.

It will detect all versions of updates that are compatible with your device, and you’ll be able to choose which version of the firmware will then be used on your phone.

Gets Firmware Details Automatically

When you try using TinyUmbrella on your iPhone, it will provide you with all the details about the firmware compatible with your device.

It includes the earlier versions of updates you once had or, perhaps, the versions compatible with your phone. This way, you’ll be able to select an older version.

But you’ll have to be very careful as to how you proceed with the process of jailbreaking. Sometimes, you might see some performance issue with your phone, and there might be some unexpected troubles ahead if you don’t do the changes correctly.

For More Experienced Users

It can offer you a lot of freedom to use and tweak your phone, but you’ll also need to know that it is more suited to the more advanced users.

You’ll want to make sure that you know what you’re doing before you start this process, or else you’re risking the health of your phone and your system.


TinyUmbrella makes it easy for you to revert to older versions of firmware on your iPhone, making it possible for you to tweak the jailbreaking process and make it easy for you.

Technical details

Latest version:
File name:
MD5 checksum:
File size:
36.33 MB
Supported OS
Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7
The Firmware Umbrella

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