Sony Xperia Companion

November 18th, 2022 - Free - 100% Safe
(28 votes, average: 3.11 out of 5)
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Sony Xperia Companion is meant for Xperia devices and will help you manage these devices and perform updates, backup data, and much more.

Xperia phones are some of the most popular phones in the world. They’re widely known for their versatility and powerful performance, and many people around the world own them. But some owners want to go a step further and manage and edit their devices, which is when they’ll need a good piece of software.

That’s where the Sony Xperia Companion comes into play. It’s a simple app designed for Sony Xperia users to help them manage their devices, add new files, create backups, and perform general device configuration.

It’s easy to use, and it will also allow you to keep your phone up to date.

Update Your Phone

Before using this application and its features, you’ll need to connect your phone to your computer. You can do that by simply plugging in your device with a USB port, which will help the app recognize what you’ve just plugged in.

This process should be done automatically once you’ve installed your application.

Then, once you’re inside the application, you’ll see a neat interface where you can manage your phone. First, you’ll have the option to install new updates, if any are available. You can also freely install or reinstall your software whenever you want.

You will also be able to update any first-party apps if there are some.

Create Backups

Another feature that gets used often is the capability to create backups for your device. It can be easily done by simply exporting the created backup to your device of choice, as you can store it on your computer easily.

It will help you ensure your content on the phone is safely backed up.


Sony Xperia Companion is a powerful tool for keeping your Xperia phone up to date and backed up.

Sony Xperia Companion features and benefits:
  • Back up and restore your gadget content to/from PC
  • Update and repair phone software automatically with just a few clicks
  • Transfer content from Android or iOS to your new Xperia phone

Technical details

Latest version:
File name:
MD5 checksum:
File size:
75.51 MB
Supported OS
Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7

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