Generic Mod Enabler (jsgme)

December 25th, 2022 - Free - 100% Safe
(64 votes, average: 3.78 out of 5)
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With Generic Mod Enabler (jsgme), you’ll be able to create, install and uninstall game mods as you see fit by creating a specific mod library, which allows you to control them and take screenshots of game files and compare them.

Sometimes, video games feel lackluster when you complete them. That’s when you might want to add some changes to the game, such as adding various mods that can completely alter and sometimes improve your experience overall. And real gamers will know how to manage and use mods on their games.

With Generic Mod Enabler, you’ll be able to create your mod libraries, giving you control over what mods you use for your games.

Create Your Game Mods

This tool is made specifically for gamers to allow them to create their mod libraries. You can use multiple mods as you do that, which gives you more control over them. It has a simple interface and is quite easy to use, even for those who don’t know much about tools like this one.

The application will automatically check for game mods on its own. It will do that by searching the MODS library. Note: you might run into problems if your game library already has a folder named this way, creating confusion.

You’ll only need to select a different name for the mods folder to avoid this confusion.

Create Snapshots of Game Files

Another useful feature of jsgme is that it will allow you to take snapshots of your games, compare them, and see them later. You can do that in the Tasks menu, where you also have some other additional features that you can use. It’s one of the best apps for creating mod libraries and gives you control over them.


Generic Mod Enabler is an easy-to-use tool known for its overall simplicity, and it is a great solution when it comes to helping users in activating a lot of game mods at the same time. The tool works fine on Windows 10 and is a good option for any mod creator.

Technical details

Latest version:
File name:
MD5 checksum:
File size:
1.21 MB
Supported OS
Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7
Jaesen Jones

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