JPEG Autorotate

March 3rd, 2025 - Demo - 100% Safe
(2 votes, average: 4.50 out of 5)
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Surely it has happened to most of us, many times, to find that the photos we took with the photo camera look okay in some programs, but in others, they appear sideways or rotated with 180 degrees.

To quickly solve this problem, you can use JPEG Autorotate, an application that helps you automatically rotate one or more photos based on the EXIF ​​information stored in each photo, a function supported by almost all photo camera models.

Lossless Photo Rotation

After installation, JPEG Autorotate adds two options to the File Explorer context menu:

  • autorotate JPEGs into folders and subfolders
  • autorotate JPEGs in folder and subfolders + watch for changes

To get the desired result, the photos must have the EXIF ​​information written by the camera with which they were taken in the first place. The application will detect and correct only JPEG images in each folder and subfolder. It doesn’t matter if they contain different file formats – they will be skipped.

Additionally, the application offers you the parameterization of some settings, such as:

  • trimming borders when images have non-standard dimensions
  • require or not perfect EXIF ​​information for rotation
  • what to do with modification date and time filed after rotation
  • close the summary window after the operation is finished (when using context menu shortcuts)
  • limit the output size when you have to rotate large amounts of photos

Most of these options are available in the paid version of the application.

Wrap Up

In conclusion, JPEG Autorotate is a program available to everyone who needs to correct the orientation of a large number of photos, without losing their quality, with just a few clicks.

Technical details

Latest version:
File name:
MD5 checksum:
File size:
45.32 MB
Supported OS
Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7

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