
October 14th, 2024 - Free - 100% Safe
(52 votes, average: 3.83 out of 5)
  • Review

Fldigi offers support for most radio digital modes that radio amateurs use nowadays. You can chat with others and use its primary functions, which include frequency measurement tests and sound card calibrations to make them suitable for a signal.

The application mainly relies on the system sound card to input and output audio-frequency signals.

Most Popular Radio Digital Modes Supported

Fldigi supports the most popular digital modes used by radio amateurs today. These digital modes include FM, AMS, LSB, RTTY, MFSK16, DominoEx, MFSK, Throb, Hell, Olivia, CW, and PSK, making it one of the most versatile modem programs currently available on the market.

The application works with the standard HF SSB radio transceiver.

When you start, you will be guided by the configuration wizard of the software. You’ll be directed to select the right properties for your radio.

You’ll be able to choose the app’s functioning settings and enter operator details. You can always change the settings at a later date, too.

High-Quality Interface

On the receiver and transmitter panel, you can view and receive all the encrypted messages, and there’s also a dedicated panel where you can fine-tune and identify the signal. You have three settings: Waterfall, FFT, or signal.

Whatever option you choose, you can view a spectrogram display of the signal strength and frequency.

There are text-capturing options, data-logging options, and rig-controlling capabilities. There’s also a built-in signal browser that has an automatic detection mode. From there, you’ll be able to tune and select the detection mode.

Easy to Use for Radio Amateurs

Yes, Fldigi is made for radio amateurs, as it has some very simple functions and an easy interface to manage.

Sure, you’ll need some knowledge about exactly what the buttons do, but overall, this app is for those passionate about radio who want to use the app’s full potential.

Technical details

Latest version:
File name:
MD5 checksum:
File size:
6.59 MB
Supported OS
Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7

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