
March 18th, 2025 - Free - 100% Safe
(248 votes, average: 4.09 out of 5)
  • Review

Firefox is one of the most popular and leading internet browsers in the world that will help you browse the internet and enjoy great speeds, good security levels, and a user-focused design.

Good Speed And a Nice Interface

Mozilla Firefox has been in the game for a very long time now. Since the start of browsers, it’s established itself as one of the leading browsers available to users. It’s been in the hearts of many users thanks to its outstanding performance levels, good security, and decent interface that’s relatively intuitive and easy to use.

Compared to Google Chrome or other browsers, Firefox often ranks among the top browsers regarding performance and browsing speeds. And with continuous support and adjustments, it’s constantly improving.

It helps users get to new performance levels with almost every update, putting this browser right among the world’s top browsers.

Latest Technology Enables Great Performance

Firefox is all about performance. It’s perhaps the best in terms of memory usage and the corresponding performance that it brings for the use. It might not be as fast as Google Chrome, although it consumes far fewer resources than Chrome. Thanks to cutting-edge technology, you’ll get a great performance out of it.

The security of this application is also on a relatively high level. With the idea of secure tabs and protected tabs, you’ll be able to browse safely and securely without exposing too much information about yourself and your computer.

You’ll have to give permission for camera and data usage, which will help you browse safely without too much exposure.

Customize Your Browsing Sessions

Another great thing about Firefox is that you can customize your browsing experience. You can easily set up your bookmarks and sites that you can visit quickly. It helps you establish a good level of productivity, too.

You can also change the homepage and customize your entire experience easier.


Firefox is one of the world’s leading free web browsers, offers good performance, and enables a good security level.

Technical details

Latest version:
File name:
Firefox Setup 136.0.2.exe
MD5 checksum:
File size:
64.19 MB
Supported OS
Windows 10, Windows 11

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