Camfrog Video Chat

February 6th, 2025 - Free - 100% Safe
(15 votes, average: 3.47 out of 5)
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Camfrog Video Chat is a popular chatting application that enables you to chat with your friends using video, text, and the ability to send files and access chat rooms.

If you want to chat with your friends using different communication types, you can use Camfrog Video Chat.

This application was primarily designed to help you chat with your friends using video, but it also offers chat rooms where you can easily send video chats and files to other users.

Create or Join Chat Rooms

It acts based on chat rooms. In these chat rooms, you’ll be able to invite other users or another user to enjoy the chat with you.

There are public and private chat rooms, as they will vary on the user that uses them and the preferences that allow you to set the chat room to private or public.

Once you have joined the chat room, you’ll see all of the users already in this room. In addition, you’ll see which users are currently available to chat and which are offline.

You can add those users to your contacts list and start a chat with them if the user is currently online. It includes a video chat or other chatting options.

Configure Your Profile and Settings

There are several configuration tools that you can use to enhance the experience with this app. You have a tabbed interface where you can tweak several parameters of this application, such as the look and design of your app.

You can also set your account to away or change your account settings to display your availability.

You can also tweak some other settings of the chatting experience, such as the ability to create multi-tabbed IM chats.

You can reveal timestamps of the chats, display your local time to your friends, answer private calls automatically, and several other helpful functions.


Camfrog Video Chat is a helpful tool for chatting with other users through video while also providing you with additional functions.

Technical details

Latest version:
8.1.0 Build 49780
File name:
MD5 checksum:
File size:
89.24 MB
Supported OS
Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7

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