
January 29th, 2023 - Free - 100% Safe
(7 votes, average: 3.14 out of 5)
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Are you worried your system is spying on you and tracking your information? With DisableWinTracking, you’ll be able to turn off features tracking your information and protect yourself.

Windows 10 is a popular operating system known for bringing many big changes to the table. However, one of the main concerns is its privacy.

For instance, several services installed on this system aim to get information about you, which can concern many users.

With it, you’ll be able to turn off services tracking your information, which can help you bump your privacy to a higher level. It is used, and it has a good interface to work with.

Protects Your Privacy

The primary goal of this application is to bring your privacy to a higher level. To help you achieve this goal, you’ll be able to start making changes to the privacy settings of Windows 10 in an easy way. That is mainly thanks to the relatively simple interface and the app’s access to these settings.

It has a checklist of features tracking your information, and you’ll have the option to disable them or turn them off.

You can select which changes you want to make and which features to keep, and then click “Go Private!” to start making these changes. It’s as simple as that.

Changes to Registry Entries

You should also know that while this app does create some changes to your registry entries, the good thing is that you’ll be able to see these changes more positively.

You’ll be able to remain more private while also keeping some of your favorite options turned on along the way.


To conclude, DisableWinTracking can help you bump up your privacy to another level, as it helps you turn off some features that might be tracking your information with ease.

Technical details

Latest version:
File name:
MD5 checksum:
File size:
9.04 MB
Supported OS
Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7

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